Computer-assisted fluoroscopic navigation may show benefits vs. robotic-assisted THA
Computer-assisted fluoroscopic navigation for total hip arthroplasty yielded decreased OR times and hospital costs vs. robotic-assisted surgery.
What Causes Hip Pain?
Hip pain causes include serious problems like a fracture or joint infection and less serious causes like bursitis.
Advances in perioperative pain management for total knee arthroplasty: a review of multimodal analgesic approaches
Despite significant advancements in total knee arthroplasty (TKA), managing postoperative pain remains a substantial clinical challenge. With advances in surgical techniques and pharmacology, TKA perioperative analgesic strategies continue to evolve, necessitating ongoing reassessment of current data. Multimodal analgesia has become the standard for perioperative pain management in TKA; however, variations in its specific components and applications across studies create challenges in selecting the optimal analgesic approach.
11 Knee Pain Dos and Don’ts
You can do many things to help knee pain, whether it's due to a recent injury or arthritisyou've had for years. Follow these 11 dos and don’ts to help your knees feel their best.
Dual mobility components for THA may be justified in high-risk patients
Dual mobility components are linked to decreased dislocation rate, according to a presenter.